Premi Visual Effects Society 2005

La quarta edizione dei premi Visual Effects Society si è tenuta il 16 febbraio 2006 a Los Angeles.

Vincitori e candidati

Vengono di seguito indicati in grassetto i vincitori.
Ove ricorrente e disponibile, viene indicato il titolo in lingua italiana e quello in lingua originale tra parentesi.

Outstanding Visual Effects in an Effects Driven Motion Picture

  • Joe Letteri, Eileen Moran, Christian Rivers e Eric Saindon - King Kong
  • Dean Wright, Randy Starr, Bill Westenhofer e Jim Berney - Le cronache di Narnia - Il leone, la strega e l'armadio (The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe)
  • Jim Mitchell, Theresa Corrao, Tim Alexander e Tim Webber - Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)
  • John Knoll, Roger Guyett, Rob Coleman e Denise Ream - Star Wars: Episodio III - La vendetta dei Sith (Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith)

Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Motion Picture

  • Wes Sewell, Victoria Alonso, Tom Wood (artista effetti speciali) e Gary Brozenich - Le crociate - Kingdom of Heaven (Kingdom of Heaven)
  • Pablo Helman, Jeanie King, Grady Cofer e Brett Northcutt - Jarhead
  • Robert Stromberg, Julia Frey, Paul Graff e Adam Watkins - Memorie di una geisha (Memoirs of a Geisha)

Outstanding Visual Effects in a Broadcast Miniseries, Movie, or Special

  • Tim Greenwood, Jo Nodwell, Neil Glasbey e Darren Byford - L'impero dei mostri - La vita prima dei dinosauri (Walking with Monsters)
  • John Gross, Nick Black, Christian Bloch e Casey Benn - Comet Collision
  • Benoit Girard, Jason Crosby, Jerome Morin e Chris Del Conte - Super Bowl XXXIX 'Apertura'

Outstanding Visual Effects in a Broadcast Series

  • Barrie Hemsley, James Madigan, Duncan Kinnaird e Joe Pavlo - Roma (Rome) episodio L'aquila rubata ('The Stolen Eagle')
  • Armen Kevorkian, Matt Scharf, John Karner e Neil Sopata - Invasion episodio L'origine della specie ('Origin of Species')
  • Mat Beck, John Wash, John Han e Trent Smith - Smallville episodio Gran finale ('Commencement')

Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Broadcast Program

  • Kevin Blank, Mitchell Ferm, Eric Chauvin e John Teska - Lost episodio Esodo, seconda parte ('Exodus: Part 2')
  • Kevin Blank, Armen Kevorkian, Eric Chauvin e Jonathan Spencer Levy - Alias episodio L'indice ('The Index')

Outstanding Visual Effects in a Commercial

  • William Bartlett, Scott Griffin, Andrew Boyd e Dan Seddon - Guinness 'noitulovE'
  • William Bartlett, Scott Griffin, Jake Mengers e Andrew Boyd - Esuvee 'Keep it on all Fours'
  • Eric Barba, Lisa Beroud, Janelle Croshaw e Greg Teegarden - Motorola 'PEBL'

Outstanding Visual Effects in a Music Video

Best Single Visual Effect of The Year

  • Dennis Muren, Pablo Helman, Sandra Scott e Marshall Krasser - La guerra dei mondi (War of the Worlds) 'In fuga dal quartiere'
  • Nick Davis, Nikki Penny, Jon Thum e Ben Morris - La fabbrica di cioccolato (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) La stanza delle noci
  • John Knoll, Jill Brooks, David Weitzberg e Jeff Sutherland - Star Wars: Episodio III - La vendetta dei Sith (Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith) 'Battaglia spaziale d'apertura'

Outstanding Real Time Visuals in a Video Game

  • Habib Zargarpour, Luke Wasserman, Greg D Esposito e Colin O Connor - Need for Speed: Most Wanted
  • David Carson, Darren Pattenden e Ben Wanat - From Russia with Love
  • Mark Mongie, Jim Spoto, Tommy Cinquegrano e Dale Jackson - Madden NFL 06 'Gioco per Xbox 360'

Outstanding Pre-Rendered Visuals in a Video Game

  • Jean-Jacques Tremblay, Raphael Lacoste e Anne Mai Le Bouyonnec - Prince of Persia: I due troni (Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones) 'Cinematic de Il balcone del palazzo'
  • Habib Zargarpour, Michael Mann (videogiochi), Mataio Gardi e Jason Dowdeswell - Need for Speed: Most Wanted
  • Jean-Jacques Tremblay, Raphael Lacoste e Kun Chang - Prince of Persia: I due troni (Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones) 'Cinemati de La battaglia'
  • Sherry McKenna, Lorne Lanning, Raymond Swanland e Iain Morton - Oddworld Stranger's Wrath

Outstanding Visual Effects in a Special Venue Project

  • Jack Geist, Sean Phillips, Johnathan Banta e Jerome Morin - Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D
  • Dina Benadon, Brent Young, Chuck Comisky e Mario Kamberg - The Curse of DarKastle
  • Michel Heroux, Benoit Girard, Jerome Morin e Chris Del Conte - Deepo's Undersea 3D Wondershow

Outstanding Performance by an Animated Character in a Live Action Motion Picture

Outstanding Performance by an Animated Character in an Animated Motion Picture

Outstanding Performance by an Animated Character in a Live Action Broadcast Program, Commercial, or Music Video

  • Andrew Karr, Louie Hinayo, Gary Hughes e Allan Henderson - Battlestar Galactica episodio Missione di salvataggio ('Fragged') 'Centurione Cyclone'
  • Dustin Adair, Mark Shimer, Lane Jolly e Steve Graves - Battlestar Galactica episodio Attacco Cylone ('Valley of Darkness') 'Cyclone'
  • Eric Hance, Robert Bonchune, John Teska e Sean Jackson - Surface - Mistero dagli abissi episodio Quarantena 'Nimrod'

Outstanding Created Environment in a Live Action Motion Picture

  • Dan Lemmon, R. Christopher White, Matt Aitken e Charles Tait - King Kong 'New York attacco all'alba'
  • Alex Wuttke, Pete Bebb, Dayne Cowan e Imery Watson - Batman Begins 'Inseguimento sulla monorotaia'
  • Andy Kind, Ivan Moran, Rob Allman e Justin Martin - Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) 'Ambiente Lago Nero'
  • Jonathan Harb, Hilmar Koch, Yanick Dusseault e Brett Northcutt - Star Wars: Episodio III - La vendetta dei Sith (Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith)

Outstanding Created Environment in a Live Action Broadcast Program, Commercial, or Music Video

  • Cedric Tomacruz, David Bailey, Valeri Pfahning e Siddhartha Jayakar - Into the West
  • Jim Gaczkowski, Daniel Thron, Janelle Croshaw e Greg Teegarden - Motorola 'BEBL'
  • Janelle Croshaw, Greg Teegarden, Jim Gaczkowski e Scott Edelstein - Only Nine Inch Nails

Outstanding Models and Miniatures in a Motion Picture

  • Ed Hirsh Steve Gawley, Joshua Ong e Russell Paul - La guerra dei mondi (War of the Worlds)
  • Jose Granell e Nigel Stone - Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) 'La scuola di Hogwarts'
  • Brian Gernand, Pamela Choy, Ron Woodall e Kevin Reuter - Star Wars: Episodio III - La vendetta dei Sith (Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith)

Outstanding Models and Miniatures in a Broadcast Program, Commercial, or Music Video

  • Michael Cook, Anthony Ocampo, Eugene Kim e Renaud Talon - Las Vegas episodio La stella del Kashmir ('Bold, Beautiful, and Blue')
  • Matthew Gratzner, Greg Boettcher, Enrico Altmann e Matt Burlingame - Ford 'World Traveler'
  • Ian Hunter, Forest Fischer, Seth Curlin e Joachim (Joe) Duppel - Walgreens 'Giving Tree/Last Minute - Winter Neighborhood'

Outstanding Compositing in a Motion Picture

  • Marshall Krasser, Michael Jamieson, Jeff Saltzman e Regan McGee - La guerra dei mondi (War of the Worlds)
  • Ben Shepherd, Uel Horman, Charley Henley e Nicolas Aithadi - Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) 'Naso di Voldemort'
  • Erik Winquist, Michaell Pangrazio, Steve Cronin e Suzanne Jandu - King Kong 'Lotta con il T-Rex'

Outstanding Compositing in a Broadcast Program, Commercial, or Music Video

  • Stefano Trivelli, Michele Moen, Kelly Bumbarger e Sean Wilson - Empire
  • Jared Jones, Jason Korber, Geeta Basantani e Ryan Dutour - Into the West episodio Wheel to the Stars
  • Robert Nederhorst, Marc Rienzo, Feliciano di Giorgio e Maciek Sokalski - Mezzo Djarum

Collegamenti esterni

  • 4th Annual VES Awards, su
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