Ayat-Ayat Emas

Fyodor Bronnikov, Pythagorean Merayakan Matahari Terbit, 1869.[1]
Minyak di atas kanvas.

Ayat-ayat Emas Pythagoras (bahasa Yunani: Χρύσεα Ἔπη, Chrysea Epê; bahasa Latin: Aurea Carmina) adalah sebuah kumpulan pesan moral. Karya tersebut terdiri dari 71 baris yang biasanya diatributkan kepada Pythagoras.


  1. ^ Петровъ, Иванъ (20 August 2007). "1000 русских художников 228: Бронников Федор Андреевич (1827–1902)" [1000 Russian Artists #228: Fyodor Bronnikov] (dalam bahasa Russian). Diakses tanggal 2015-11-06. Pemeliharaan CS1: Bahasa yang tidak diketahui (link)


  • Firth, Florence M. (1904). The Golden Verses Of Pythagoras And Other Pythagorean Fragments. Theosophical Publishing House.
  • Joost-Gaugier, Christiane L. (2007). Measuring Heaven: Pythagoras and his Influence on Thought and Art in Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Cornell University Press. ISBN 978-0-8014-7409-5
  • Kahn, Charles H. (2001). Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans: A Brief History. Hackett Publishing. ISBN 978-0-87220-575-8
  • O'Meara, Dominic J. (2005). Platonopolis: Platonic Political Philosophy in Late Antiquity. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-928553-2
  • Rowe, Nicholas (1707). The Life of Pythagoras with His Golden Verses, Together with the Life of Hierocles and His Commentaries upon the Verses. London, Jacob Tonson, 1707; 2nd edition, Glasgow, Robert Urie, 1756; reprinted in modern English (without footnotes), London, 1906.
  • Russo, Attilio (2003-2004). Costantino Lascaris tra fama e oblio nel Cinquecento messinese in Archivio Storico Messinese, LXXXIV-LXXXV, Messina 2003-2004, pp. 5-87. ISSN 0392-0240
  • Schibli, Hermann S. (2002). Hierocles of Alexandria. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-924921-3
  • Thom, Johan C. (1994). The Pythagorean Golden Verses: With Introduction and Commentary. Brill, 1994.

Pranala luar

  • The Golden Verses of Pythagoras and Other Pythagorean Fragments (Florence Firth, editor; 1904) at Sacred Texts
  • Ἠθικὴ ποίησις; sive Gnomici poetae graeci, ad optimorum exemplarium fidem emendavit, Fleischer, Leipzig: 1817, pp. 145–8 (original text in Greek).
  • Bibliotheca Augustana (original text in Greek).
  • Multiple translations (Redfield, Firth, Rowe).
  • Notes on the Golden Verses of Pythagoras from the Commentaries of Hierocles. (Brief, and not to be confused with the entire Commentary of Hierocles)