Praise to Tara in Twenty One Verses

Traditional prayer in Tibetan Buddhism

Praise to Tara in Twenty One Verses is a traditional prayer in Tibetan Buddhism to the female Bodhisattva Tara (Sanskrit: तारा, tārā; Tibetan སྒྲོལ་མ, Drolma) also known as Ārya Tārā, or Jetsun Dolma (Wylie: rje btsun sgrol ma).[1] The text is originally a Sanskrit Indian Buddhist work, and it is the most popular prayer to Tara in Tibetan Buddhism.[1]

The Praise appears in the Derge Kangyur as "“Offering Praise to Tara through Twenty-One [verses] of Homage” (Wylie: sgrol ma la phyag 'tshal ba nyi shu gcig gis bstod pa)."[1] The prayer is found in all four traditions of Tibetan Buddhism.[2][3]


An early manuscript version, titled Twenty-One Hymns to the Rescuer Mother of Buddhas (二十一種救度佛母贊), described as an "Imperially commissioned translation of the hymn to the rescuer mother of Buddhas ... in Manchu, Tibetan, Mongolian, and Chinese scripts", was created in the late 18th century by calligrapher Yongrong 永瑢 (1744–1790). It is held by the National Library of China.[4]


Modern English language commentaries include 2007 works by Palden Sherab, and by Adeu Rinpoche and Urgyen Rinpoche[5][6] a 2005 work by Thubten Chodron,[7] a 1999 work by Bokar Rinpoche,[8] and a 1992 work by Martin Willson.[9]

Online commentaries include a 1997 commentary by Khempo Yurmed Tinly Rinpoche,[10] a 2004 commentary by Palden Sherab,[11] and a 2013 commentary by Geshe Dawö.[12]

Extensive descriptions of traditional rituals associated with Tara, including the "Twenty-One Praises", can be found in Steven V. Beyer's 1978 book, The cult of Tārā: magic and ritual in Tibet.[13]

In the commentarial literature, each of the verses is associated with different emanations of Tara, which have a specific mantra with which she is associated, offering protection from various types of fears, harm, and calamities.[citation needed]


  1. ^ a b c "Praise to Tārā with Twenty-One Verses of Homage / 84000 Reading Room". 84000 Translating The Words of The Buddha. Retrieved 2024-01-14.
  2. ^ "Homage to Tara – 21 Praises to Tara". Tibetan Buddhism General Discussions on Red Zambala. Archived from the original on 2014-06-22. Retrieved 2014-06-22.
  3. ^ "Green Tara Puja". Sakya Kechari Institute. Retrieved 2014-06-22.
  4. ^ "Manuscript of a Mongolian Sūtra". World Digital Library. Retrieved 2014-06-22.
  5. ^ Palden Sherab (2007). Tara's enlightened activity: an oral commentary on the twenty-one praises to Tara. Ithaca, N.Y: Snow Lion Publications. ISBN 9781559392877.
  6. ^ Urgyen (2007). Skillful grace: Tara practice for our times. Hong Kong: Rangjung Yeshe. ISBN 9789627341611.
  7. ^ Thubten Chodron (2013). How to free your mind: the practice of Tara the liberator (Reprint ed.). Snow Lion. ISBN 9781559393980.
  8. ^ Bokar Rinpoche (1999). Tara: the divine feminine. San Francisco, Calif.: ClearPoint Press. ISBN 9781930164000.
  9. ^ Willson, Martin (1996). In praise of Tārā: songs to the Saviouress: source texts from India and Tibet on Buddhism's great Goddess. Boston, Mass: Wisdom Publications. ISBN 0861711092.
  10. ^ Khempo Yurmed Tinly Rinpoche (1997-04-04). "Translation: Green Tara Puja Commentary". Osel Dorje Nyingpo. Retrieved 2014-06-22.
  11. ^ Palden Sherab (2004). The smile of sun and moon: a commentary on the Praise to the Twenty-one Taras. Boca Raton, FL: Sky Dance Press. ISBN 1880975076.
  12. ^ "Commentary on the Praise to Twenty-One Taras eBook". FPMT The Foundation Store. Retrieved 2014-06-22.
  13. ^ Beyer, Stephan V (1978). The cult of Tārā: magic and ritual in Tibet. Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 9780520036352.

External links

  • "Systems of Twenty-one Taras". Himalayan Art. Retrieved 2014-06-22. (illustrated, traditional)
  • "The Praise to the Twenty-One Taras". Sky Dancer Press. Retrieved 2014-06-22. (illustrated, modern)
  • The 21 Taras Description of each of the 21 Taras on Tara Mandala, the website of Lama Tsultrim Allione’s retreat centre.
  • v
  • t
  • e
7 Buddhas of Past28 BuddhasFuture Buddhas
  1. Maitreya
  2. Uttararama
  3. Pasenadi
  4. Abhibhū
  5. Dīghasoṇī
  6. Caṅkī (Candanī)
  7. Subha
  8. Todeyya
  9. Nāḷāgirī
  10. Pālileyya
Five TathagatasAdi Buddha
  1. Samantabhadra (in Nyingma)
  2. Vajradhara (in the Sarma schools)
  3. Kalachakra (in the Sarma schools)
  4. Vairocana
TrinityThirty-five Confession Buddhas
  1. Śākyamuni
  2. Vajrapramardī
  3. Ratnārśiṣ
  4. Nāgeśvararāja
  5. Vīrasena
  6. Vīranandī
  7. Ratnāgni
  8. Ratnacandraprabha
  9. Amoghadarśi
  10. Ratnacandra
  11. Vimala
  12. Śūradatta
  13. Brahma
  14. Brahmadatta
  15. Varuṇa
  16. Varuṇadeva
  17. Bhadraśrī
  18. Candanaśrī
  19. Anantaujas
  20. Prabhāśrī
  21. Aśokaśrī
  22. Nārāyaṇa
  23. Kusumaśrī
  24. Tathāgata Brahmajyotivikrīḍitābhijña
  25. Tathāgata Padmajyotirvikrīditābhijña
  26. Dhanaśrī
  27. Smṛtiśrī
  28. Suparikīrtitanāmagheyaśrī
  29. Indraketudhvajarāja
  30. Suvikrāntaśrī
  31. Yuddhajaya
  32. Vikrāntagāmī
  33. Samantāvabhāsavyūhaśrī
  34. Ratnapadmavikramī
  35. Ratnapadmasupraṭiṣṭhita-śailendrarāja
Buddhas of present fortunate aeonBuddhas of Past in Lalitavistara
  1. Padmottara
  2. Dharmaketu
  3. Dīpaṃkara
  4. Guṇaketu
  5. Mahākara
  6. Ṛṣideva
  7. Śrītejas
  8. Satyaketu
  9. Vajrasaṃhata
  10. Sarvābhibhū
  11. Hemavarṇa
  12. Atyuccagāmin
  13. Prabālasāgara
  14. Puṣpaketu
  15. Vararūpa
  16. Sulocana
  17. Ṛṣigupta
  18. Jinavaktra
  19. Unnata
  20. Puṣpita
  21. Ūrṇatejas
  22. Puṣkara
  23. Suraśmi
  24. Maṅgala
  25. Sudarśana
  26. Mahā­siṃha­tejas
  27. Sthita­buddhi­datta
  28. Vasanta­gandhin
  29. Satya­dharma­vipula­kīrti
  30. Tiṣya
  31. Puṣya
  32. Lokasundara
  33. Vistīrṇabheda
  34. Ratnakīrti
  35. Ugratejas
  36. Brahmatejas
  37. Sughoṣa
  38. Supuṣpa
  39. Sumanojñaghoṣa
  40. Suceṣṭarūpa
  41. Prahasitanetra
  42. Guṇarāśi
  43. Meghasvara
  44. Sundaravarṇa
  45. Āyustejas
  46. Salīlagajagāmin
  47. Lokābhilāṣita
  48. Jitaśatru
  49. Sampūjita
  50. Vipaśyin
  51. Śikhin
  52. Viśvabhū
  53. Krakucchanda
  54. Kanakamuni
  55. Kāśyapa
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